Tennis player with shoulder injury question
(too old to reply)
2007-11-25 21:24:09 UTC
I am a 52 year old intermediate level club/tournament tennis player
who played a little squash (hard ball) in my youth as well. I've been
advised to lay off tennis for a while because of frozen shoulder. I
can hit my ground strokes with no problem and volley. But a serve and
overhead are almost impossible. Could I play squash for awhile
instead? Or will I need overhead shots in quash, too? I seem to
recalls serving underhanded years ago.
Mad Hamish
2007-11-26 12:41:42 UTC
Post by nickra
I am a 52 year old intermediate level club/tournament tennis player
who played a little squash (hard ball) in my youth as well. I've been
advised to lay off tennis for a while because of frozen shoulder. I
can hit my ground strokes with no problem and volley. But a serve and
overhead are almost impossible. Could I play squash for awhile
instead? Or will I need overhead shots in quash, too? I seem to
recalls serving underhanded years ago.
I've never played hardball (well I've hit a hardball Scot Denne
brought to a tournament) but in the international game
it depends a bit on how you play, if you're facing a player who hits a
lob serve and lobs you'll have to hit overhead volleys

The squash overhead isn't the same as the tennis overhead though so
you might be o.k.

OTOH there's a local squash players who had a shoulder replacement and
had to quit squash but can still play tennis (although I understand
his serve isn't up to all that much)

If you want to give it a try I'd say arrange a hit with a coach and
try a few squash overheads.
"Hope is replaced by fear and dreams by survival, most of us get by."
Stuart Adamson 1958-2001

Mad Hamish
Hamish Laws
2007-11-26 13:05:47 UTC
Quit screwing around and go see a good shoulder guy and find out what
is wrong.

A proper intermediate squash match usually has a considerable amount
of overhead play. lobs are a major part of the game.
Post by nickra
I am a 52 year old intermediate level club/tournament tennis player
who played a little squash (hard ball) in my youth as well. I've been
advised to lay off tennis for a while because of frozen shoulder. I
can hit my ground strokes with no problem and volley. But a serve and
overhead are almost impossible. Could I play squash for awhile
instead? Or will I need overhead shots in quash, too? I seem to
recalls serving underhanded years ago.